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Sample descriptions, Bergslagen, Sweden August 2013

NOTE 1:  Samples labeled   AW   were washed in dilute HCl to dissolve carbonates which were present. (All samples were tested for reactivity in HCl during preparation)

NOTE 2: All samples were magnetically separated and the magnetic fraction was analysed. Sample 2232C (Grangesberg) was the only one with a significant quantity of non-magnetic material and both the magnetic and non-magnetic split of this sample was analysed.

Samples are listed in sample number order, matching the order of discussion in the bergslagen explanatory results page.

Sala silvergruva    2225

h2676 Sample# 2225 sw13 0.5g -420+200u mags AW
Sala silvergruva,
rare mt in skarn pale, epidote + mt skarn, mt < 1mm

Dannemora    2226

h2677 Sample# 2226A sw13 0.5g -420+200u mags
Dannemora, siliceous waste
black fg siliceous waste, weakly magnetic

h2678 Sample# 2226B sw13 0.5g -420+200u mags AW
Dannemora, siliceous waste
black fg siliceous waste, maagnetic

h2679 Sample# 2226C sw13 0.5g -420+200u mags AW
Dannemora, siliceous waste
black fg siliceous waste, maagnetic

h2684 Sample# 2226D SW13 0.5g -420+200u Mags
Dannemora siliceous waste rock
black fg siliceous magnetic, with rare coarse crystals

Klackbergs    2228

H2656 Sample# 2228A sw13 0.5g -420+200 mags
Klackbergs, near norberg, old pit dumps
fine grained black, moderately magnetic

h2658 Sample# 2228B sw13 0.5g -420+200u mags
Klackbergs, near Norberg
fg black magnetic

h2673 Sample# 2228C sw13 0.5g -420+200u mags
Klackbergs, near Norberg
fine grained, black magnetic

h2674 Sample# 2228D sw13 0.5g -420+200u mags
Klackbergs, near Norberg
fine grained, black wk magnetic

h2675 Sample# 2228E sw13 0.5g -420+200u mags
Klackbergs, near Norberg
fine grained, black wk magnetic

Garpenberg    2229

h2680 Sample# 2229A sw13 0.5g -420+200u mags
Garpenberg, Sth of
black fg maagnetic

h2682 Sample# 2229B SW13 0.5g -420+200u MAGS
Garpenberg, south of
black fg magnetic

h2685 Sample# 2229C SW13 0.5g -420+200u Mags
Garpenberg, south of
black fg magnetic abnormal termination at 720 C

H2686 Sample# 2229D SW13 0.5g -420+200 u mags AW
Garpenberg south of
black fg magnetic

h2659 Sample# 2229E sw13 0.5g -420+200u mags AW
Garpenberg, Sth of rhyllshyttan
fg black magnetic

H2688 Sample# 2229F swe13 0.5g -420+200u  mags  AW
Garpenberg, south of
black fg magnetic

H2689 Sample# 2229G swe13 0.5g -420+200u  mags  AW
Garpenberg, south of
 black fg magnetic

H2690 Sample# 2229H sw13 0.5g -420+200u  mags  AW
Garpenberg, south of
grey siliceous fg weakly magnetic

Idkerberget    2230

h2660 Sample# 2230A sw13 0.5g -420+200u mags
coarse black foliated, weak magnetic

H2691 Sample# 2230B SW13 0.5g -420+200u  mags
fg black weakly magnetic

H2692 Sample# 2230C SW13 0.5g -420+200u  mags
med grained black weakly magnetic

H2693 Sample# 2230D SW13 0.5g -420+200u  mags
 med grained black strongly magnetic

H2695 Sample# 2230E SW13 0.5g -420+200u mags
Med grain, black strongly magnetic

Aventyrsgruvan    2231

H2661 Sample# 2231B SW13 0.5g -420+200u mags
Tunahastberg - Aventyrsgruvan
fg black mags

H2696 Sample# 2231A SW13 0.5g -420+200u mags AW
fine grain, black magnetic AW

H2697 Sample# 2231C SW13 0.5g -420+200u mags AW
med grain, black magnetic AW

Grangesberg    2232

H2698 Sample# 2232A SW13 0.5g -420+200u mags
fine grain, black magnetic

H2662 Sample# 2232B SW13 0.5g -420+200u mags
fg black mags

H2699 Sample# 2232C SW13 0.5g -420+200u mags    Magnetic fraction
fine grain, black magnetic

H2666 Sample# 2232C SW13 0.5g -420+200u             Non-magnetic fraction
fg black, nonmagnetics fraction

H2700 Sample# 2232D SW13 0.5g -420+200u mags
med grain, foliated, black magnetic

Stallbergs    2233 & 2234

H2665 Sample# 2233A SW13 0.5g -420+200u mags AW
Stallbergs gruva
fg grey, weakly magnetic

H2663 Sample# 2233B SW13 0.5g -420+200u mags AW
Stallbergs gruva
fg black mags

H2664 Sample# 2233C SW13 0.5g -420+200u mags AW
Stallbergs gruva
fg black mags

h2668 Sample# 2234A sw13 0.5g -420+200u mags AW
Stallbergs Gruva, quarry inside fence
fine grained , black weakly magnetic

H2701 Sample# 2234B SW13 0.5g -420+200u mags AW
Stallbergs gruva quarry
fine grain, black magnetic AW

H2702 Sample# 2234C SW13 0.5g -420+200u mags AW
Stallbergs gruva quarry
fine grain, black magnetic AW

Riddarhyttan    2235

H2703 Sample# 2235A SW13 0.5g -420+200u mags
fine grain, green-black magnetic

h2669 Sample# 2235B sw13 0.5g -420+200u mags
Riddarhytten, mine shaft spill
fine grained , green-black weakly magneti

H2704 Sample# 2235C SW13 0.5g -420+200u mags
fine grain, black magnetic

Stora    2236

H2705 Sample# 2236A SW13 0.5g -420+200u mags
Stora, old plant site
fine grain, cherty black v. weakly magnetic

H2706 Sample# 2236B SW13 0.5g -420+200u mags
Stora, old plant site
fine grain, cherty black v. weakly magnetic

h2670 Sample# 2236C sw13 0.5g -420+200u mags
Stora old shaft and processing plant
med grained, black magnetic

Pershyttan    2237

h2671 Sample# 2237A sw13 0.5g -420+200u mags
Pershytten, near Nora
med grained, black very magnetic

H2707 Sample# 2237B SW13 0.5g -420+200u mags
Pershytten, near Nora
med grain, black strongly magnetic

H2708 Sample# 2237C SW13 0.5g -420+200u mags
Pershytten, near Nora
med grain, black strongly magneti

h2672 Sample# 2237D sw13 0.5g -420+200u mags
Pershytten, near Nora
med grained, black very magnetic

Kiruna - ore face    2140

H2602 Sample# 2140A swe 0.5g -420+200u magnetic
Kiruna mine, ore stope 1135m depth near ore/waste contact (marta) nov 2012
fine grained massive black magnetite, magnetic separation

H2603 Sample# 2140B swe 0.5g -420+200u magnetic
Kiruna mine, ore stope 1135m depth near ore/waste contact (marta) nov 2012
fine grained massive black magnetite, chloritic surfaces magnetic separation

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